
Motivation….mmmmm, it is sometimes a struggle to get motivated….so what makes you get up in the mornings, what motivates you to get on with your day. What inspires and kick starts you to get moving and on with life? Being a positive person, like myself, does not necessarily mean I have the motivation to get…

Finding the right balance….

Back when I was under VRT (Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy) for Vestibular Neuritis, I was very new to vestibular disorders so was finding my feet with it all. I remember my therapist banging on to me about finding the right balance. All I was interested in at the time was the exercises she was doing with…

Anxious about being anxious

If you had asked me 5 years ago what anxiety felt like, I would not be able to tell you. I had never experienced anxiety ever before! What I might have said and it would have been a guess is…..butterflies in the tummy feeling??!?

My love of Pilates…and breathe…

Back in the day when I used to be very flexible, when I was young! I am talking in my 20s! I used to do Pilates and Yoga alot and in fact attending some Body Balance classes that was way before my balance disorders reared their ugly heads!!